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How sensory play helps in children’s development

Welcome to all people who help kids to develop themselves and learn in a new creative way.
You will agree with us that the sensual sphere is very important in our life, both for adults and for our children. And it is necessary to take care of its development since childhood.
Today we are starting a new series of articles about sensory play. There will be a lot of ideas. And maybe, you can offer such wonderful games to your children, grandchildren, have fun and interesting time with them, find exactly new ideas for creating with them.
Of course, pictures and pleasant sounds, delicate aromas have great importance, but it is tactile sensations that are most powerful and significant. By the way, our skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is a tactile knowledge that helps babies to begin their acquaintance with the world. And it can be called leading throughout the entire period of preschool childhood.
And now we realized how important it is to give these feelings to children.
So why sensory play is so important for our kids?

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The sensory play has an incredible impact on the emotional sphere, on the development of internal sensations, getting pleasure and more comfort. Such games and activities relieve psychological stress, help to relax.

During the games with “dirty” materials, the development of sensory sensations occurs when a child learns to feel the world around him through tactile contact, to distinguish features. He gets a unique development experience.

During such classes, there is an active knowledge of the world, the properties of materials, their characteristics. Kids learn to think and draw conclusions, compare and distinguish.

Of course,  imagination and creative thinking are actively developing, because interesting and unexpected ideas are often born in the process of the game. Kids come up with scenes, fantasizes.
There is an active development of speech, which flows smoothly from sensory-motor development. In addition, babies get acquainted with all the new components which you can include into games.
The child becomes more careful, he learns to clean up after himself, to take care not to go beyond the established boundaries.

And finally, kids feel free, they create, fantasize, they try, fail, study, discover, and they are not limited in patterns and prohibitions.
Materials for the “dirty games” are around us. And we will talk detailed about them in the next articles.